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How to Watch the lunar eclipse from anywhere

Posted: 15 Jun 2011 09:52 AM PDT

We're always fascinated by the unique wonders of space and the world—what can we say, it's the geek in us! Naturally, when we learned that part of the world will be treated to a rare 100-minute long total lunar eclipse starting at 11:20am PDT today, we were both excited and disappointed that this rare occasion wouldn't be visible from our Mountain View campus like last year's eclipse. We suspect we aren't alone, so you'll be glad to know that we've worked with Slooh Space Camera to let you experience the spectacle wherever you are in the world, in real time.

How to  Watch the lunar eclipse from anywhere
Slooh will host a live mission interface using Google App Engine that lets anyone not lucky enough to live in certain areas (South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia) take part in this rare astronomical event. It's equipped with audio narrations from real-life astronomers so you can hear a firsthand, expert account of the event. You can also watch the live stream on the Google YouTube Channel or from the Sky layer in Google Earth (download this kml), while exploring the fascinating world that exists in our galaxy. Finally, those of you on the go can download the Slooh Space Camera Android app to view the images right on your phone.

Official Google Blog: Watch the lunar eclipse from anywhere

Robert Pattinson Siap Gelar Pernikahan Sederhana

Posted: 15 Jun 2011 03:46 AM PDT

TBT - Robert Pattinson siap menggelar pesta pernikahan sederhana bersama keluarga dan teman di Inggris. Pattinson tak ingin pesta mewah. Menikahi Kristen Stewart?

Mengutip femalefirst, Rabu (15/6), aktor berdarah Inggris ini memutuskan menggelar pesta pernikahan sederhana di Inggris, jika menikah suatu saat nanti.

Robert Pattinson Siap Gelar Pernikahan Sederhana
Pria tampan berusia 25 tahun yang saat ini menjalin hubungan cinta dengan Kristen Stewart ini menegaskan tidak ingin menikah di hadapan ratusan tamu selebriti dunia. Idealnya, ia hanya menggelar pesta pernikahan dengan mengundang keluarga dekat dan sahabatnya.

"Aku bayangkan itu (pernikahan) menjadi sangat sederhana. Ini bukan gaya saya untuk mengundang 500 selebriti dari seluruh dunia," paparnya.

"Teman terbaikku, teman lama sebelum aku terkenal. Ya, aku ingin menikah hanya dihadiri keluarga dan teman dekat, bukan seseorang yang aku sapa sesaat ketika upacara penghargaan," imbuhnya.

Bintang Twilight ini pun mengungkapkan akan menikah di negaranya, Inggris meski cuaca tak menentu.

"Cuaca di LA cerah. Tetapi jika menikah, aku ingin melakukannya di rumah, kampung halamanku," tuturnya.

[via - inilah]

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