Top Blog Tutorial - Blog Panduan untuk Blogger Pemula. dan ProBlogger untuk mengedit Blog

Top Blog Tutorial - Blog Panduan untuk Blogger Pemula. dan ProBlogger untuk mengedit Blog

How to Create TONS of backlinks with ScrapeBox

Posted: 03 Mar 2011 01:24 PM PST

How to Create TONS of backlinks with ScrapeBox
1) First step is to locate a blog that has already been spammed. This is how you are going to find your backlinks. Blogs that already have spammed comments on usually means two things. First; the blog is either auto-approve or else the owner doesn't care what goes on the blog. Second, your comment is much more likely to stick.

2) Once you have found a blog with spammed comments, you need to open up a txt file and then copy and paste the spammers links into the file. Do it in this format:


Keep building this list until you have at least 40 links. Shouldn't take long at all.

3) Open ScrapeBox and paste your list into the harvester. Select Yahoo as the search engine. Make sure you use proxies. Now start harvesting.

What happens is that ScrapeBox will use Yahoo to get all the backlinks the spammers have used. In some cases this will be hundreds of URLs per spammer. If I start with 40 spammer URLs ScrapeBox will usually return between 15k and 20k results. Remove duplicate URLs. You may lose as many as 5k URLs or more. Doesn't matter.

4) Open the ScrapeBox Blog Analyzer. Load your harvested results into the Blog Analyzer and start it running. This may take quite a while to complete. Once done, sort the results by platform, then save the results as an Excel file.

5) Open the saved file into Excel. You are looking for all platforms that are compatible with ScrapeBox. IMPORTANT, make sure you choose blogs that are open to comments and have NO spam protection. Copy all usable blogs into a text file. Name the file 'Sorted for ScrapeBox' or some such.

6) You should end up with between 2k and 5k URLs that are usable. In my experience you will have around a 50% success rate when posting to these URLs. And around 10% to 25% will stick.

I run this method on each of my sites for around one week. Months later I still have thousands of backlinks to each site. This works especially well for aged and trusted domains. But you can cut it back and limit the links for fresh domains.

Great thing is that this is about 15mins manual work. It's very easy and works very well.

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Feed2PDF: Konversi RSS Feed Ke PDF

Posted: 03 Mar 2011 11:52 AM PST

Anda punya blog favorit yang biasa anda baca secara online? Mungkin suatu saat anda ingin membacanya secara offline ketika waktu sedang senggang. Tool online yang satu ini bisa mewujudkan keinginan anda, Feed2PDF.

Dengan Feed2PDF anda dapat dengan mudah mengkonversi data RSS feed dari suatu situs menjadi file PDF.

Untuk menggunakan tool Feed2PDF sangat mudah, anda tinggal memasukkan alamat feed dari website yang anda inginkan, atur jumlah halaman yang mau di konvesi lalu klik tombol Retrieve, dan file PDF siap untuk anda download.

Ingin mencoba ketangguhan tool Feed2PDF, silahkan kunjungi

Feed2PDF: Konversi RSS Feed Ke PDF

Cara Membuat Auto Blog di Blogspot

Posted: 02 Mar 2011 11:45 PM PST

Ikuti langkah cara membuat auto blog di engine blogspot :

Pengaturan di blogspotnya

Log in ke account blogspot anda.

Settings >> e-mail & mobile.

Pada e-mail posting address : isikan secretwords nya.
( contoh : )

Centang radio button "Publish emails immediately" >> Save settings.

Pengaturan di gmail

  1. Log in ke account gmail anda.
    (Jika belum punya buatlah satu)

  2. Click settings (ada di pojok kanan atas account gmail)

    Cara Membuat Auto Blog di Blogspot
  3. Click tab Filters >> Create a new filter.

  4. Pada kotak isian to : Isikan e-mail gmail anda >> Next step.

    Cara Membuat Auto Blog di Blogspot
  5. Centang forward it to >> Isikan dengan e-mail yang telah anda buat pada step 3 "Pengaturan di Blogspotnya".

    Cara Membuat Auto Blog di Blogspot
  6. Click update filter.

Pengaturan di feedmyinbox

  1. Buka situs feedmyinbox <-- Click di sini
  2. Isikan

    • Website or feed url dengan url blog yang ingin anda copy feednya (Istilah gaulnya ingin anda colong). Tambahkan /rss.xml di belakang url situs/blognya.
      Contoh :

    • Your e-mail address : Isikan dengan alamat gmail anda.

    Cara Membuat Auto Blog di Blogspot
  3. Kemudian click submit.

Last step! Langkah konfirmasi.

  1. Buka kembali account gmail anda.

  2. Click inbox >> Buka e-mail konfirmasi kiriman dari feedmyinbox.

  3. Click confirm subscription.

  4. Buka account blogspot anda.
    (Jika anda menggunakan e-mail yang berbeda antara gmail dan blogspot, maka log outlah terlebih dahulu dari gmail anda)

  5. Click postings >> Edit posts

  6. Perhatikan postingan yang masuk. Click kanan di view >> Open in a new tab >> Click lagi link konfirmasi yang ada.

  7. Jika sudah, hapus postingan link konfirmasi tersebut.

Sekarang blog anda sudah menjadi autoblog, dengan blogspot semua bisa menjadi otomatis juga kok. Tidak perlu susah-susah ngetik dan jari sakit, biarkan blogger lain yang bekerja untuk anda. Tetapi ingat, trik ini menjadikan anda tidak begitu disenangi oleh Google, ya namanya yang enak tidak ada yang seenaknya. Trik ini semakin oke digabungkan dengan teknik SEO.

! Info : Kadang feedmyinbox kelamaan inbox masuknya, bisa juga gunakan sebagai penggantinya. Lebih cepat updatenya.

Jangan Lupa Jempolnya :


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